End-Time Prophetic Intercession Ministries - Global
(267) 807-9605 / 488243 # or via FCC App: etpimglobalusa - USA Prayer Line / 5:00 am EST Daily | 12:00 pm M-F - English Sessions
(681) 999-0130 / 772329# or via FCC App: etpimglobalhaiti - HAITI Prayer Line / 5:00 am EST Daily | 9:00 pm M & F - Creole Sessions
(267) 876-3924 / 1660642# or via FCC App @ etpimglobalindia - INDIA Prayer Line [ DETAILS COMING UP SOON ]
We are ETPIM Global, an International, Non-Denominational, Tele-Conference Prayer Ministry
Getting to Know ETPIM Global
End-Time Prophetic Intercession Ministries GLOBAL (ETPIM Global), formerly known as the "Good-Morning Lord!" Prayer line, is a non-denominational, international “tele-conference” prayer ministry. Under the inspiration and the leading of the Holy Spirit, the ministry was birthed in Connecticut – USA on August 16, 2007 with five faithful servants, whose only agenda was to answer God’s call. We have been meeting daily since and our lives have never been the same.
As of November 2017, after our 10th Anniversary Celebration in August, the Lord has extended the Ministry into Haiti and India. Our official name is now ETPIM Global USA, Global ETPIM Haiti, ETIPM Global India respectively. To God be ALL the glory!
Our meetings/sessions are held daily on the phone through a conference line and at different hours during the morning, noon and evening. In addition to our periodic 24-hour sessions, we have the mandate from the Lord that the ministry will eventually become a full 24-hour prayer ministry. Follow this link for our daily sessions schedule.
You can always join us anywhere in the world by dialing (267) 807-9605 / 488243 #. If you're calling internationally or if you're concerned about DATA CHARGES, CLICK HERE for instructions on how to access the prayer sessions TOLL FREE.
We pray on different topics every day, as listed below (with limited sessions on weekends, just for the time being). We have friends from all over the world, so lookout, you might be our next one.
We pray for the day-to-day concerns such as families, marriages, health concerns, God's favor and financial breakthroughs, we also pray for the restoration of God's purpose for mankind. The Zachar Man was made to be a worshiper, a leader in his home and a protector over his family. We see how the enemy wants to deter God's plans, especially in the matters of faithfulness in marriage. We also see the lie that he has told those who think they were born gays/lesbians. We also pray so that mankind will be all that God intended for them to be in their immediate world and in the whole world at large.
We watch current world events in the light of the Word of God so we can pray effectively. Because satan is cunning, conniving, he will deceive peoples, world leaders into making decisions that will never fulfill God's plans for the earth. We pray over the churches and church leaders that they will line themselves up with the Word of God and God's plan and purpose for the Bride of Christ. The True Shepherd did not so much look to lord over His followers, controlling the minute details of their lives, but He discipled them to be good stewards of what God has entrusted them, to watch tenderly over the flock with love and compassion, with HUMILITY and INTEGRITY.
We also pray over the nations, the persecuted Church, the churches in the 10/40 window and the missionaries that serve those churches. We pray over the Catholic Church, the Coptic Church, and any other tradition-led churches which tend to be very rigid in their teachings, their ways of doing things -- being more concerned with the outside versus what goes on with the inside. All in all, the church's business should be to pray in agreement with the will of God which is the establishment of HIS KINGDOM in the earth, so that His children can rule and reign as kings and priests. Until the church can understand that power and authority have been given to us to cripple satan's work in the earth, to walk victoriously, etc., we will keep on delaying the fulfillment of God's Kingdom on the earth, thus the return of our Beloved Savior.
In bulk, those are end-time matters that Christ has patiently been waiting for them to come into full alignment with the will/plan/purpose of the Heavenly Father.
Would you surprise us one of these days, at any one of these sessions? It is our prayer that all who take the time to call will feel WELCOME among us. We worship the Lord beyond the walls of denominations, race and culture. We totally rely on the lead of the Holy Spirit! After all, it is all about Him! As you join us, you will notice that some sessions are quieter than others, but rest assured that you will for sure feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Should you decide to visit us at any of our sessions and choose not to state your name right away, you can click https://www.etpimglobal.com/Prayer / Testimonies.html to contact us for prayer, testimonies or questions.
We do welcome your donations at https://www.etipm.com/Donations.html
End-Time Prophetic Intercession Ministry (ETPIM) is a non-profit organization. Our main purpose is to pray the will of the Father in the Earth. We intercede for the needs that are brought to our attention but we also pray for people that we will never get to meet until eternity as we intercede for the needs of families at large, war in the Spirit especially for the gatekeepers (the Zakar Man and the Nekevah) of the home and the children. We also pray for healing, ministries, leadership, for God's favor, etc. As for any ministry, in order for us to reach more people, funds are always needed and welcome.
We are a Multi-Fold Ministry:
The Ministry of Prophetic Intercession
The Apostolic Ministry
The Ministry of Evangelization
The Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Benevolence
From all us, once again WELCOME!