End-Time Prophetic Intercession Ministries - Global
(267) 807-9605 / 488243 # or via FCC App: etpimglobalusa - USA Prayer Line / 5:00 am EST Daily | 12:00 pm M-F - English Sessions
(681) 999-0130 / 772329# or via FCC App: etpimglobalhaiti - HAITI Prayer Line / 5:00 am EST Daily | 9:00 pm M & F - Creole Sessions
(267) 876-3924 / 1660642# or via FCC App @ etpimglobalindia - INDIA Prayer Line [ DETAILS COMING UP SOON ]
We are ETPIM Global, an International, Non-Denominational, Tele-Conference Prayer Ministry
Weekly Prayer Topics, Schedules & Events
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Mondays - 12:00am | 5:00am | 12:00pm | 6:00pm EST
Family Concerns
Tuesdays - 12:00am | 5:00am | 12:00pm EST
Health Concerns
Wednesdays - 12:00am | 5:00am | 12:00pm EST
Leadership in the Home, Church & World
Thursdays - 12:00am |5:00am | 12:00pm EST
God’s Favor, Financial Breakthroughs, God’s Protection & Covering
Fridays - 12:00am | 5:00am | 12:00pm EST
Intimacy With God, Salvation, Re-Dedication, Nations.
Celebration of the Table of our Lord - 5:00am session only!
Saturdays - 5:00am EST
Zakar Man (Male Man), U’neqevah (Female Man), Marriages, Singles
Sundays - 5:00am | 6:00pm EST
Ministers & Ministries, The Bride of Christ
Special at 6:00pm: Concert of Praise, Love & Adoration to the Lord
Please join us every Friday for COMMUNION at our 5:00am (EST) session as we honor and celebrate the Table of our Lord!